About us
Dear all,
As you may have noticed, the AAOF has been awfully quiet for the last years. Sara, Ilka and I have all, for different reasons had little time to take care of the group. Despite our attempts to find new people who could help out, we have not been able to find anyone who had the energy and time (!!!) to take over. As a result, we have decided to give an official closure to this wonderful group.
Nevertheless we have decided to keep the website going for a few years. This means we will no longer organise coffee mornings and events. However, with the website still going, we hope that new comers can find useful information in the INFO and LINKS sections.
The FACEBOOK PAGE will also not be closed. Inna and Helen kindly offered to take the administration of the Facebook page and this means that the group can still use social media to keep in contact.
To be frank the AAOF was a necessity at a time when connecting with people was more difficult. Newcomers would find it difficult to meet or get to know other parents in similar situations and our little group (which started small but at the end had 140 families) was filling this gap. However, nowadays, people are able to connect much more easily, thanks to social networks.
Sara, Ilka and I (and our webmaster Michela) spent some wonderful years at the AAOF and even though we gave some of our time, what we got in return was priceless. We met some wonderful people and rarely felt lonely, which was very special when times were hard. For this, we want to thank you all. It was simply wonderful to be part of this group and can never thank you enough for all your help sharing information, lending a listening ear when needed and help out when you could.
We wish you the best for the future.
Kind regards,
Veronique, Sara, Ilka and Michela